$ 499.00
All six of the Clinical Kinesiology Books (package deal), Including the Instruction Manual, and the five individual volumes: "The Low Back and Abdomen", "The Pelvis and Thigh", The TMJ, Hyoid and Other Cervical Muscles and Cranial Manipulation", "The Muscles of the Upper Extremities, Shoulder, Forearm and Hand", and "Muscles of the Lower Extremities, Calf and Foot." Shipping time in United States is 5-15 business days.
$ 99.95
Volume I covers the 23 muscles that link the rib cage and the pelvis. This volume covers all the low back muscles. This volume includes a comprehensive worksheet presentation detailing...
$ 99.95
Volume II covers the 47 muscles that link the crest of the ilium and the knee including several clinically significant muscle divisions not commonly defined. This volume includes a comprehensive...
$ 99.95
Volume III covers the 31 muscles that link the mandible and hyoid as a functional unit. It also includes a complete section on cranial manipulation and an introduction to the...